What is supervision?
Supervision enables the supervisee to reflect on clinical practice, to cultivate a deeper understanding of professional issues and develop skills and knowledge related to workplace matters. The ultimate aim of supervision is to provide a high quality and safe service for clients through the maintenance of professional standards of practice, ongoing learning and personal support.
Supervision has three aspects:
- To allow the professional to develop knowledge, self-awareness and integrate theory with practice.
- To encourage and maintain ethical practice and appropriate standards of work in line with professional guidelines.
- To facilitate the maintenance of harmonious working relationships, deal with work related stress and develop professional self-worth.
The process
Within the safe space provided by supervision the supervisee is guided to reflect and problem solve through active listening and prompting with supportive questions by the supervisor.
Who is supervision for?
Supervision has been used within psychology and therapy professions for many years. It can benefit any professional working in health, education or social sectors in the private or public sector.
Read the RCSLT supervision guidance at https://www.rcslt.org/members/delivering-quality-services/supervision/supervision-guidance/
Find out about supervision with Anna Koppenhout at Apple Tree https://appletreeslt.co.uk/supervsion-with-anna/
Contact us if you would like to talk to someone about supervision at Apple Tree.