We run short courses for parents and education staff on a range of areas including:
- Encouraging first words
- Moving from words to sentences
- Helping your child’s speech production
- Use of visual resources to support communication
- Supporting speech and language in school age children
- The non-verbal child
- Introduction to Autism spectrum disorder
We are Hanen trained and registered therapists and offer the following parent training for preschool children online and in person, individually and in groups:
- It takes two to talk (for children with speech and language delay).
- More than words (for children with social communication difficulties and autism spectrum disorder).
- Target word (for children, who are late talkers, with good language comprehension and social interaction).
These courses include 6-10 1 ½ hour sessions for parents and home visit or online session with parent and child.
Contact us to find out more and register for one of our courses or workshops.